(07) Результаты работы лаборатории
WMO, 2021: Guidance on Integrated Urban Hydrometeorological, Climate and Environmental Services. Volume 2: Demonstration Cities. WMO-No. 1234. Xiaoye Zhang, Alexander Baklanov, Ernest Werner, Feras Ziadat WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin: Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System — No. 5 | July 2021, https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=10732
Joe P., Baklanov A, Grimmond S et al. (2021) Guidance on Integrated Urban Hydro-meteorological, Climate and Environmental Services: Challenges and the Way Forward. In: Ren C., McGregor G. (eds) Urban Climate Science for Planning Healthy Cities. Biometeorology, vol 5. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87598-5_14
Baklanov, A, R Bornstein, J Gonzalez, D Niyogi (2021) Remembering Prof. Sergej Zilitinkevich: A modern-era legend in atmospheric turbulence and boundary layer studies. Urban Climate, 37, May 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100864 (Q1, IF=6,663, WoS, Scopus)
Baklanov, A, BN Chew, A Frassoni, C Gan, J Goldammer, M Keywood, S Mangeon, PM Manseau and R Pavlovic (2021) The WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS): Concept, Current Capabilities, Research and Development Challenges and the Way Ahead. BioBrasil: Biodiversidade Brasileira, 11(2): 179-201, 2021, DOI: 10.37002/biobrasil.v11i2.1738
Baklanov, A., Esau, I., Mironov, D. (2021) Sergej Zilitinkevich(13.4.1936–15.2.2021), Springer, March 2021, Boundary-Layer Meteorology 179(3), DOI: 10.1007/s10546-021-00616-2 (Q1, IF=3.563, WoS, Scopus)
A Baklanov, BN Chew, A Frassoni, C Gan, J Goldammer, M Keywood, (2021) Sistema de Consulta e Alerta de Poluição Causada pela Fumaça Decorrentedo Fogo na Vegetação (VFSP-WAS) da Organização Meteorológica Mundial (WMO): Conceito, Capacidades Atuais. Biodiversidade Brasileira — BioBrasil, 179-201.
Baklanov, A., I. Esau, P. Konstantinov, K. Law, A. Mahura, A. Penenko, T. Petäjä, J. Schmale, R. Sokhi, M. Varentsov (2021) Northern Urbanization under global change: challenges and strategies with respect to weather, climate and air pollution for sustainable development. Marchuk Scientific Readings-2021: Intern. conf., October 4–8, 2021 / Institute of comput. mathematics and mat. geophysics SB RAS, pp.12-15. DOI 0.24412/CL-35064-2021-307
Lappalainen, H., Petäjä, T., Vihma, T., Räisänen, J., Baklanov, A., Chalov, S., Esau, I., …, Bondur, V., Kasimov, N., Zilitinkevich, S., Kerminen, V.-M., and Kulmala, M., 2021: Overview: Recent advances on the understanding of the Northern Eurasian environments and of the urban air quality in China — Pan Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program perspective, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-341, in review, 2021. (Q1, IF=7.197,WoS, Scopus)
Sokhi, R. S., Moussiopoulos, N., Baklanov, A., Bartzis, J., Coll, I., Finardi, S., Friedrich, R., Geels, C., Grönholm, T., Halenka, T., Ketzel, M., Maragkidou, A., Matthias, V., Moldanova, J., Ntziachristos, L., Schäfer, K., Suppan, P., Tsegas, G., Carmichael, G., Franco, V., Hanna, S., Jalkanen, J.-P., Velders, G. J. M., and Kukkonen, J.: Advances in Air Quality Research – Current and Emerging Challenges, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-581, in review, 2021. (Q1, IF=7.197, WoS, Scopus)
Zakarin, E.A., Baklanov, A.A., Balakay, L.A. et al. Simulation of Air Pollution in Almaty City under Adverse Weather Conditions. Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. 46, 121–128 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3103/S1068373921020072 (Scopus)
Nuterman, R., Mahura, A., Baklanov, A., Amstrup, B., and Zakey, A.: Downscaling system for modelling of atmospheric composition on regional, urban and street scales, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 11099–11112, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-11099-2021 (Q1, IF=7.197, WoS, Scopus)
Shaddick, G.; Salter, J.M.; Peuch, V.-H.; Ruggeri, G.; Thomas, M.L.;Mudu, P.; Tarasova, O.; Baklanov, A.; Gumy, S. Global Air Quality: An Inter-Disciplinary Approach to Exposure Assessment for Burden of Disease Analyses. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12010048 (Scopus)
Esau, I., Bobylev, L., Donchenko, V., Gnatiuk, N., Lappalainen, H. K., Konstantinov, P., Kulmala, M., Mahura, A., Makkonen, R., Manvelova, A., Miles, V., Petäjä, T., Poutanen, P., Fedorov, R., Varentsov, M., Wolf, T., Zilitinkevich, S. and Baklanov, A., 2021: An enhanced integrated approach to knowledgeable high-resolution environmental quality assessment, Environ. Sci. Policy, 122, 1–13, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2021.03.020, 2021. (Q1, IF=6,424, WoS, Scopus)
Sokhi, RS., V Singh, X Querol, S Finardi, A Créso Targino, M de Fatima Andrade, R Pavlovic, RM Garland, J Massagué, S Kong, A Baklanov, L Ren, O Tarasova, G Carmichael, V-H Peuch, et al, 2021: A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions, Environment International, 157, 2021, 106818, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106818. (Q1, IF=13,352, WoS, Scopus)
Amosov P. V., Baklanov A. A., Makarov D. V., Masloboev V. A. Forecast of atmospheric pollution with a random selection of discrete dusty areas (based on numerical modeling). Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2021; 5: 63–74 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-5-63-74
Alexander Baklanov, Natalia Ye. Chubarova, Vladimir A. Kolosov, Svetlana Malkhazova, Boris N. Porfiriev (2021) Introduction To Geography Of Covid-19 Pandemic: Environmental Issues, Public Health And Socio-Economic Consequences. December 2021, GEOGRAPHY ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY, 14(4):105-108, DOI: 10.24057/2071-9388-2021-044 (Scopus)
Амосов П. В., Бакланов А. А, Макаров Д. В, Маслобоев В. А. (2021) Прогноз загрязнения атмосферы при случайном выборедискретных пылящих участков на базе численного моделирования. ISSN 0536-102863, ГЕОЭКОЛОГИЯ, РАЦИОНАЛЬНОЕ ПРИРОДОПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕУДК 622.4:519.67 DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-5-63-74
Диденко К.А., Ермакова Т.С., Погорельцев А.И., Ракушина Е.В. Климатическая изменчивость стратосферно-тропосферных взаимодействий, наблюдаемая в последние десятилетия // Вестник КРАУНЦ.Физ.-мат. науки. 2021. Т. 37. №4. C. 159-170. http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab/pub/Диденко_иДр_КРАУНЦ.pdf
Didenko K.A., Pogoreltsev A.I., Koval A.V., Ermakova T.S. Investigation of solar thermal tides using model data // Proc. SPIE 11916, 27th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics. 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2603432 http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab/pub/SPIE_DidenkoEtAl.pdf
Jakovlev A.R., Smyshlyaev S.P., Galin V.Y. Interannual variability and trends in sea surface temperature, lower and middle atmosphere temperature at different latitudes for 1980-2019 // Atmosphere. 12, 454. 2021. pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12040454 http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab/pub/2021_Jakovlev_etal_atm.pdf
Koval A.V., Wen Chen, Didenko K.A., Ermakova T.S., Gavrilov N.M., Pogoreltsev A.I., Toptunova O.N., Ke Wei, Yarusova A.N., Zarubin A.S. Modelling the residual mean meridional circulation at different stages of sudden stratospheric warming events // Ann. Geoghys. 39. 2021. pp. 357-368. https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-39-357-2021 http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab/pub/Koval_etal_angeo-39-357-2021.pdf
Grygalashvyly M., Pogoreltsev A.I., Andreyev A.B., Smyshlyaev S.P., Sonnemann G.R. Semi-annual variation of excited hydroxyl emission at mid-latitudes // Ann. Geoghys. 39. 2021. pp. 255-265. https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-39-255-2021 http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab/pub/GrygalashvylyEtAl_AnnGeo2021.pdf