(07) Результаты работы лаборатории
1st (AC)³ SCIENCE CONFERENCE ON ARCTIC AMPLIFICATION, 26 — 28 MARCH 2017, UNIVERSITY OF BREMEN, BREMEN. Christoph Jacobi, Daniel Mewes, Alexander Pogoreltsev “Influence of tropospheric circulation patterns on the winter middle and high-latitude mesosphere” — стендовый доклад
ANNUAL EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION ASSEMBLY, 23 — 28 APRIL 2017, VIENNA, AUSTRIA. Christoph Jacobi, Daniel Mewes, Alexander Pogoreltsev, Tatiana Ermakova, Gunter Stober “El Niño influence on the mesosphere/lower thermosphere circulation seen by a VHF meteor radar at Collm (51.3°N, 13°E)” — стендовый доклад
МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ СИМПОЗИУМ ПО АТМОСФЕРНОЙ РАДИАЦИИ (МСАРД–2017), 27–30 июня 2017, Санкт-Петербург (Петродворец):
— Andrey V. Koval, Nikolai M. Gavrilov, Nikita O. Shevchuk, Аlexander I. Pogoreltse ”А study of the planetary waves generation and propagation in the MLT region during different phases of the solar cycle” — стендовый доклад
— Rakushina E., Vei K, Pogoreltsev A. «Appliсation of empirical orthogonal functions approach to the analysis of QBO evolution peculiarities»- устный доклад http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab//dokl/Rakushina_ISARD_2017.pdf
— Kandieva K.K., Aniskina O.G., Pogoreltsev A.I. «Model study of the Madden-Julian Oscillation» — устный доклад http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab//dokl/Kandieva_ISARD_2017.pdf
— Ermakova T.S., Pogoreltsev A.I. «ENSO impact on the extratropical middle and upper atmosphere» — устный доклад http://ra.rshu.ru/mps/dwnl/lab//dokl/Ermakova_ISARD_2017.pdf
— Koval A.V., Gavrilov N.M., Shevchuk N.N., Pogoreltsev A.I. «Investigation of the influence of solar activity on the propagation of atmospheric normal modes in the thermosphere» — устный доклад